Hi! I'm Stephanie
I’m a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who helps heal gut issues and balance hormones using effective detox and simple diet and lifestyle changes.
I live in Arizona with my personal trainer husband Chris and my dog child Ivy. As my day job, I’m a pediatric occupational therapist providing services to children with Autism and varying disabilities.
My Journey to Nutrition
After college, I started working with a friend doing personal training and nutrition. I was counting macros, lifting heavy in the gym 4-5 times a week, and weighing and tracking everything I ate. During the bulking phase, I was the strongest I’d ever been and I felt pretty good about myself.
But then came the low point – the cutting phase where I got to the point that I could hardly eat anything. I was miserable, 122 lbs, and barely eating anything each day. My brain was foggy and I had no energy to get through my workouts. And I still had stubborn belly fat.
Eventually, I said enough is enough on the macro counting and attempted to eat intuitively. The problem with intuitive eating is that if your gut and hormones aren't in check, you can't reliably depend on your body to tell you what it needs. My gut was a mess from eating low calorie sweeteners, an abundance of carbohydrates, and foods with toxic ingredients. Not to mention I was fresh out of college where I was spending far more time at the bar than at the gym.
It wasn’t until I found the Whole30 program that my life really changed.
The Whole30 taught me about the importance of paying attention to what I was eating rather than how much. What I learned was that if I didn’t fuel my body with foods that prevented inflammation, promoted gut health, and provided my brain with adequate nutrition, I was never going to get the results I wanted.
The Whole30 sent me into a spiral of nutrition research that taught me the power of food as medicine. I read incredible stories about people beating cancer by ridding their diet and lifestyle of common toxins. Heartwarming accounts of children with autism healing from the inside out from simply following a detox protocol and fueling their brains with proper nutrition.
I began to understand that what we put into our bodies has so much more power than we think.
I would love to say that’s where my healthy journey stopped, but that wouldn’t be transparent. While my health certainly took a turn for the better at that point, I’m still on my own healing journey to this day. Years of abuse to the gut and the body doesn’t get fixed overnight!
But this is when I started to dig deeper. I became an ingredient detective. I cleaned up my personal care products. I opted for non-toxic cleaning products. I even switched my dog to a raw diet! And guess what? I started to feel so much better with simple diet and lifestyle changes.
In June of 2020, I completed my certification to become a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I felt lucky to be on my healing journey and decided that I wanted to help others do the same.
As I began to learn more and more about gut healing and hormone balancing, I realized how much our world works against us. There are hormone disrupting chemicals in our food, water, air, furniture, makeup, shampoo, cleaning products. Our guts are constantly assaulted by our use of antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizer, and the overuse of antibiotics.
I realized that the healing truly begins when we not only clean up our diet and lifestyle, but when we actively support our body’s detox system to rid ourselves of years of built up chemicals and toxins.
Detox doesn’t mean starving yourself and juice cleanses. It means supporting your body’s natural ability to detox with simple diet and lifestyle changes.
This is why I love helping clients like you bring in simple, easy, and attainable detox methods that will ultimately make a BIG difference in your health and wellbeing. Let’s work together to banish your stubborn symptoms and get you feeling like the best version of yourself…finally!
I’m not currently taking on any 1:1 clients, but I have some exciting offers coming soon!
Ready to get started RIGHT NOW? Download your free home detox guide and learn easy ways to clean up your home !
Looking to kick your sugar habit for good? Download my FREE Sugar Detox Guide below!