Disclosure Policy
This blog is written and edited by me, Stephanie. Content on this blog may be used as a source of income and may be used to promote products, companies, or services. With that being said, I exclusively promote products that I use and believe in. You will not find promotions for products that I do not use or believe to be beneficial for my readers. These advertisements may or may not be labeled as affiliates in the posts where mentioned. Don't worry -- I am trustworthy! I provide reviews for products or services based on my honest opinion. My vision is to find the truth about health, therefore I will not bog you down with reviews that are not genuine. I aim to provide research based, honest information to my readers and I hold myself to a high standard when it comes to content. When using information from other sources, those sources will be linked in the post or acknowledged in writing.
Comment Policy
I acknowledge that some information provided on Unfiltered Wellness may be controversial. All I ask is that you are respectful in your comments to myself and others. If you have a question or a disagreement, feel free to express your opinion in a kind, constructive way. I am looking out for everyone's best interest here and there is no time for negativity or insensitive comments. Should you choose to disregard this policy, your comment is subject to removal.
Health Information
I aim to share the most up to date, accurate health information that I can find. With that being said, this information is not intended as medical advice and should never replace recommendations from your doctor. Always check with your doctor before implementing a new nutrition or health regimen.